How to Start a Domain and Web Hosting Company

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If you are on this page, it means you are giving a thought to starting your own domain and web hosting company, right? Starting a domain and web hosting business is not a bad idea, especially this time, where everything is shifting to digital. 

People are spending a lot of time on the Internet and taking maximum advantage of the Internet. Now people are shopping online, food ordering online, booking a flight online. So starting a web hosting company is a great choice because millions of people around the globe launch their sites every day.

So if you are thinking of starting an online business then Domain and Web Hosting Company could be the best business for you. In this business, you could make handsome money, but the problem occurs most people don’t have an idea of how to start this business? 

Don’t worry, we have brought a detailed article for you. In this post, we will share with you a step-by-step guide and guide you properly with basic to advanced levels.

What are things that will be required for this business, what is the process, and all that? So stay tuned with this. 

What Is Domain and Web Hosting Company?

Basically, these two are different things but work parallelly. In most cases, both come from one place, because the companies who provide hosting also, provide domains as well, and the same works in a reverse manner also. 

In this business, the company basically provides service to the people to host their sites and store the data in their own server, and in return, they charge you. 

In domain, the company provides the domain names that help you to build a brand over the internet, and web hosting enables users to store their websites data like contents, images, videos, and everything on an internet server, and that server placed at the web hosting company. The company takes care of everything. Clear enough?

Steps To Follow Before Starting Domain & Web Hosting Business:

Identify Your Business Goals:

As we know that technology has reached the next level and at the same time made it easy for people to start an online business. 

Starting a reselling hosting business is easy to set up, and the main thing, you can generate a good amount of money. You can simply start with reselling domain and web hosting, and target the agencies and local businesses to promote your products and company. 

Find Your Target Audience:

As you can target the whole country and whole world by starting a hosting business, but it is highly recommended that you should set a target audience because getting into the business without a target audience is not a good idea. 

You can simply target all of them who are running any kind of website. Once you have decided on your target customers, and the second thing that comes is, how will you target them? 

So you have to make an attractive strategy for this as well. In this post, we will share some proven and working methods. Stay till the end.  

Analyze Your Competitors:

Not only for this business but for every type of business you need to analyze your competitors. So in this case too, you should check what your competitors offer to customers with hosting plans, what the price and features are included. 

Make sure you offer more than that, you can add some extra features or extra tools to capture the market. Because in your starting days you have to offer something extra to the users, otherwise it is hard to gain customers. Apart from that you also check their marketing plans and accordingly make yours. 

Choose An Eye-Catching Name:

Don’t be lazy in this, because I have seen many businesses with clueless names. Business name is something that consumers notice, it is also important that you never try to keep it similar to other company names. 

For finding a good name, you may need to spend a few hours. Also try to name your business, which is similar to your niche (It will also help you in SEO).

You can take some ideas from your family members or friends to find a catchy, innovative, and creative name. Also, remember that the name should be liked, people can remember it easily, this also leaves a good impact for generating good revenue. 

Domain Name & Build Website:

We hope you have decided on your brand name, so it is time to book a domain name. Always try to register your domain name that matches your brand name. 

It also helps users to remember you, but in some cases, if the domain name is not available then try to make it as similar as possible with your brand name. It also leaves a positive impact in terms of SEO

Should Have Basic Knowledge About The Niche:

It is also important that you should have a basic idea about your niche’s products, and features. In our case (Web Hosting) you should know the basics of it, like bandwidth, disk space, email account, cPanel, domains, etc. 

Why are we saying this? Well for creating the plans, sharing info with the clients, from a marketing perspective these are the basic things you should know about. 

Choose The Best Host For Reseller Hosting:

There are dozens of web hosting provider companies available that enable you for reselling, but choosing the best one is such a difficult task. 

For choosing the best web hosting you need to spend some time researching each one. A few things you can consider for checking the quality of a hosting company. 

Check the pricing and plans, I mean how much they are charging for features, their support system, if it is 24×7 or not. 

How many plans do they have for users? If you choose the expensive one, then you may face difficulty to gain customers, so always find who offers the best products and services at an affordable price. 


White Label Support:

White label support is also a good point to notice if your provider is supporting white labeling or not. It means they use the anonymous domain names for the hostname of their servers. 

If they are enabled with this white label support then any of your clients won’t be able to see the name of the hosting providers. White Label Support is important if you are thinking for the long term because it helps you to build an independent brand in the market. 

Create Your Own Packages:

Now buy reseller hosting and create your own plans for your clients. For a better idea, you can go through your competitor’s website, and check what is the price they are offering, plus don’t forget to analyze their features as well. 

Now create your own packages and try to provide some extra value at the same price. And along with that, on your official website add contact us and about us pages. So your client can get in touch with you easily. 

Payment Gateways:

Payment is something that you should especially take care of because people don’t trust those platforms that are not secure for payments. 

So for your own security and your customer’s security integrate the strong secure payment gateway. Along with that, you should also add multiple payment modes like a credit card, debit card, net banking, UPI, and others. 

The more options you will have for payment, the more chances you will create for users for payment. And trust me users love it. 

A Proper Billing System:

It is not possible for humans to work 24×7 therefore you should integrate with an automatic billing system. This will automatically generate the invoice on your behalf. There are dozens of tools available in the market, you can check out them and integrate the best one. 

Private Name Server:

Private Name Server is the must-have feature for every hosting provider, this will not only shows you professionalism but also helps you switch one hosting to another. 

Enabling this feature also allows you to migrate the entire database of hosting from one platform to another. If you have this feature then you just have to remove the old nameserver’s IP and assign the new one.

Activate SSL:

SSL certificate helps to encrypt the data between users and servers. Along with that, SSL-enabled websites get more advantages in ranking. If your platform allows this feature then it ensures users of their data like name, email id, card details, login details are fully encrypted and no one can steal them. 

Technical Support:

Technical support comes later after transactions but it is a very vital phase for any hosting provider. If someone has hosted their site at your place then the users always expect a great support system from you. 

Make sure you provide them the ultimate solution as soon as possible. It will be better if you add multiple options for support like chat, email support, telephone support, and it should be always 24×7 available. Because downtime for a website is not less than a culprit. 


Once all the steps are done, it means you are ready to rock on. But wait, no one knows you now, so don’t expect any clients. You have to promote your products and services adequately. 

There are multiple ways for this like you can do it organically, or you can run paid ads on different platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google. Marketing will create awareness to the people about your business. 

Once the users know about you, they will land on your official website, and you can gain customers from there. You can collaborate with some top-ranking bloggers, YouTubers, or Influencers that will give you a kick start. 

Take A Social Media Help:

Social media is one of the platforms that everyone uses. Social media is not only just sharing memes and chatting with people, but you can use it in a different way. 

You should create an official page on all social media platforms, and start posting about your upcoming business. You can gather a good fan following before you actually start the business. 

For more, you can create short videos about your business, share stories to create a healthy awareness about your hosting business. 

Come With Attractive Offers:

Everyone loves the offer, isn’t it? If you have started a fresh company then you have to give your clients some extra, in fact, more than they expect. 

As we know millions of domains are registered per day and the same with hosting, so offer your clients some attractive objects. For you can check your competitors and try to provide more than that. 

Display The Brand On The Footer:

For new clients to trust you and your brand, it is important for you to add your existing customer’s logo on your official website’s footer section. 

Because people believe easily in images compared to texts. So this is one of the most effective ways to win the trust of your customers. As you are new to them so, for believing them that you are a trustable brand that many companies believe, better to add them. 

Add Reviews:

Adding reviews of your clients on your site is also an effective way to gain the attention of your new clients. Once new users land on your site, and if he sees the positive reviews about your products and services, it leaves a physiological impact on your mind.  Reviews can really help you to boost your business. 

Refer & Earn:

Referring and earning is a great way to promote your business with the help of your clients. In this, you have to pay a certain amount to the client who refers your business to someone, and the referral buys something. Trust me most of the leading web hosting providers follow this method and it is a proven working method for growing business rapidly.


Starting a web hosting business is not rocket science, but not easy as well, especially, if you don’t go with proper planning. We have made it easy for you, in this detailed post, we have shared a complete guide for How to Start a Domain and Web Hosting Company. We hope this article was helpful for you.

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